Saturday, May 15, 2010

So you know those meth ads that show the before and like 20 taking meth and how nasty the people look....... I feel exactly how those people look. I had no idea it would be this way.

I still go to clinic every day for fluids and to see the doc. I can't swallow pills any more so I get as much meds through IV as possible. Bryan has even learned how to set up a drip here at home/hotel.
I got blood Thursday and platelets today. I have a slight nose bleed that won't stop. My white blood cell count is .2 and normal is 3.0 to 10.0. My platelets are 11 and normal is 150-400. Bleeding is a bad idea right about now.


  1. The suckage continues, I know. Just be a good girl and do everything the docs tell you. Then you'll be back home before you know it. I know you like to run with scissors but try to restrain yourself.
    love you.

  2. Woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep...thought about you and read your blog. Deb, you're a trooper, thanks for taking the time and energy to share what's going on. Cancer can't take-away your strong spirit. I'm praying that all those cells and platelets are working magic inside you. I'm also praying for Nurse Bryan, so glad he's there and willing to do some tough stuff. Hope your blood cells begin to have super powers! Paula

  3. The poet Aeschylus once wrote: "Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

    As tears roll down my cheeks, I know you will come through this latest challenge in your life, and come out the other end to the sheer joy of living.

  4. You are amazing. I am so so sorry Morgan and I missed your party. We were out of town. Morgan has made the most beautiful picture for you with lots of pink hearts.
    You are a strong woman. Soon we will be chatting about our ornery kids surrounded by flowers on the back patio. The sun will warm our faces and we will find joy and laughter...imagine.
    I love you Deb-
